Lactarius maculatus 

Lactarius maculatus Peck 

is a medium to large violet-gray-buff mushroom that is initially convex and depressed at the disc, but becomes subinfundibuliform (sub-vase-shaped) with age. It is smooth and viscid in the center, faintly zoned especially toward the slightly fibrillose, dry, spotted outer margin. Flesh is light gray and stains a dull lilac. The gills are close, narrow, forked, white to cream-colored. Latex is creamy-white and gradually stains the gills buff-purplish. The stipe is concolorous with the cap but paler, smooth, dry, has scrobiculations and hollows with age. It is mycorrhizal with hardwoods, especially beech, oak and hickory. It fruits in summer and autumn. Taste is mildly to strongly acrid. Unknown edibilityThis is in the Russulacae family of the Russulales order.

Lactarius maculatus 1692

  Lactarius maculatus Peck

Lactarius maculatus zonate and spotted 1693

Lactarius maculatus