Lactifluus subvellereus var. subdistans 

Lactarius subvellereus1010990

Lactifluus subvellereus var. subdistans (Lactarius subvellereus) Hessler & Smith 1979

Medium velvety white, smooth, chamois dry cap with depressed center, inrolled margin till mature. Flesh is white becoming yellowish. Latex white to cream staining flesh pinkish-brown. Gills are moderately spaced to subdistant, whitish aging yellowish, staining pinkish-brownish to brownish. In youth they oftem emit watery drops. White spore print. Stem is white, dry and firm with scattered yellowish-brownish spotting. Fruits in mixed woods in summer and autumn.  Differs from both Lactarius subvellereus var. subvellereus (which may be different than the European mushroom with the same name) and Lactifluus piperatus. Both species have tightly spaced, narrow gills. Lactarius deceptivus has a scaly cap that ages brown.  Bitter taste. Inedible.

Lactifluus subvellereus var. subdistans (Lactarius subvellereus)