Porphyrellus indecisus 

Tylopilus indecisus 07415

Porphyrellus indecisus (Tylopilus indecisus) is an associate of hardwoods, especially oaks. Cap is medium tan to brown convex becoming nearly flat with maturity. The white flesh is soft and stains pink to brown. Surface of pores is off-white to beige and becomes pinkish then pinkish-brown as the spores mature. The stem is white and becomes brown with age and with handling. Upper stem often is reticulated. Basal mycelium is white.  It can be confused with Tylopilus badiceps and Tylopilus ferrugineus. The stems of the latter two however are somewhat more colorful.  It is in the Boletaceae family of the Boletales order.

Tylopilus indecisus 02571

Phyloporellus indecisus (Tylopilus indecisus)